I am a retired License Massage and Colon Hydrotherapy practitioner from the State of Florida. In 1999, I opened Healed by Hands, a holistic clinic for mind, body, and soul. I practiced many modalities to help my clients, from body work to detox physically and spiritually and that is when I noticed that 90 percent or more of my patient’s problems have emotional components attached to their physical imbalance.
In 2006, I developed a training called Body Alignment through soft tissue and organs for pain elimination.
In 2014, along with my husband, I became certified in the Emotion Code and Body Code. Since then, our practice has been dedicated to bringing emotional and physical stability to those in need.
In 2020, we relocated from Florida to Asheville, NC. Since them our focus has been teaching and sharing our knowledge and experiences with others. After the pandemic we decide to incorporate Emotional Healing retreats and became Emotional Healing Retreat Facilitators.
I am a Bilingual Emotional Healing Certified Practitioner, with total dedication to help people rediscover that the healing of their body, mind and soul depends on ourselves – mindful mind, lighter heart.
In 2006, I decided to leave the banking industry and focus more on spiritual healing. I started to be part of Healed by Hands, a holistic clinic funded by my wife, Elba Lopez and dedicated to rediscovering the healing of the mind and body wellness.
Continuing the path of healing, I became certified in 2008 as a Reiki master. In 2010, I obtained the certification of Medical Biomagnetism, granted by Dr. Isaac Goiz Duran, Mexican doctor, and inventor of this therapy. In 2012 and continuing my studies, I obtained the certification in Bioenergetics. Is then that I decide to go into the emotional healing field, and I become certified in the Emotion Code Therapy and later in the Body Code by Dr. Bradley Nelson.
In 2016 and continuing this healing path, I received the certification in Bioenergetics and Biomagnetism and Energetic Holographic Biomagnetism, by Dr. Miguel Ojeda Rios, in Mexico City. In late 2019, we decided to move to Asheville, NC and continue our journey in emotional healing. Then we rename our practice to Rediscovering Healing.
During the last 10 years of my practice, most of the people I saw were told there wasn’t any help or treatment available for them. Yet I was able to help almost all of them because I was tapping into the subconscious mind of the individual and asking for help. It was a completely private and personal habit that was inspired by my own experiences with prayer and energy healing.
Take a moment and read thru this important information, you will find out what motivate us and what is part of our healing techniques all to your wellbeing.
At Rediscovering healing We work with energy to bring the body, mind, and spirit into balance. Energy is an incredibly powerful tool for healing, and everything has energy. Every thought, feeling, emotion, and part of our body has an energetic frequency. Read on for some of our favorite quotes to help surround you with positive energy!
Empower Yourself with Energy Quotes for Healing
“Faith is to believe what we do not see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.” – Saint Augustine
“Your thoughts are immensely powerful. Whenever you say what you’re thinking or write something down, you’re using the energy of your thoughts to affect the world around you. It is through thought, belief, and intention that all things happen.”
“The energy of the mind is the essence of life.” – Aristotle
“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla
“Even though the body appears to be material, it is not. In the deeper reality, your body is a field of energy, transformation, and intelligence.” – Deepak Chopra
“Your inner thoughts aren’t truly hidden. Their essence reflects in your energy. Energy speaks what you don’t.” – Drishti Babani
Quotes To Inspire Positive Energy
“Anything is possible when you have inner peace.” – Master Oogway
“Just one small positive thought in the morning can change your whole day.” – Dalai Lama
“Gratitude can transform any situation. It alters your vibration, moving you from negative energy to positive.” – Oprah Winfrey
“Don’t let anyone define your limits. Your only limit is your soul.” – Gusteau.
“Be a positive energy trampoline — absorb what you need and rebound more back.” – Dave Carolan
“Positive thoughts, words, and actions create positive feelings. Positive feelings generate positive energy.” – Nozer Kanga
“Every moment of our lives we bless and get blessed by nature, people, the universe, animals, etc. The only way to recognize this is to open our hearts, eyes, and minds.” – Frans Stiene.
“The ground we walk on, the plants and creatures, the clouds above constantly dissolving into new formations — each gift of nature possessing its own radiant energy, bound together by cosmic harmony.” – Ruth Bernhard
Access Healing Through Energy Healing
“The whole universe is working in your favor. The universe has got your back!” – Ralph Smart
“The universe supports your beliefs about yourself, too. If you think you can’t, the universe will support that belief, and you will not succeed. On the other hand, if you think you can, the universe will support that belief, and you will be empowered.” – Dr. Bradley Nelson
“Your personal vibration or energy state is a blend of the contracted or expanded frequencies of your body, emotions, and thoughts at any given moment. The more you allow your soul to shine through you, the higher your personal vibration will be.” – Penney Peirce
“You draw to you the people and events which resonate with the energy that you are radiating. You attract what you are, so be your best.” – Lynda Field
“There are two ways to live: you can live as if nothing is a miracle; you can live as if everything is a miracle.” – Albert Einstein.
“By simply relaxing, breathing, being quiet, and having a heartfelt intention to help another being, you create a sacred space. In this space, all things are possible.” – Kathleen Prasad.
“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
We hope these positive energy quotes help inspire and empower you on your healing journey! Your energy is a powerful, transformational force. Tapping into the vibration of your thoughts, feelings, body, and being can help you heal physically, emotionally, and spiritually.
Ahora sabemos que el cuerpo contiene magnetitas. La magnetita cristaliza en forma de tetraedro, polariza su estado al oxidarse o al reducirse y genera diferencias de potencial que producen un campo magnético por donde fluye la corriente eléctrica. Ahora sostenemos que en el cuerpo humano existen campos magnéticos equilibrados y podemos entender por qué existe una corriente de energía en nuestro cuerpo. Cuando hay una enfermedad la red magnética de energía se rompe y se produce una descompensación en esos campos magnéticos. Obviamente hay un cambio en el compuesto de electrolitos que genera una variación en el sentido del campo magnético, produciendo una polarización positiva o negativa del órgano u órganos donde ocurre la anomalía biológica y por lo tanto un cambio en el pH.
La enfermedad aparece cuando estas magnetitas se desorientan, por lo que ahora entendemos que al aplicar imanes en el organismo, podemos devolver la magnetita a su estado original y lograr que vuelva a existir el orden magnético, ferromagnetismo. Al someter el material magnético, como a cualquier otra partícula ferroso-férrica, a un campo magnético, los cristales -dominios- se alinean dando lugar a un monodominio. Al eliminar el campo, el dominio permanece en su estado natural y por eso se equilibra la energía en el organismo. La red ferroso-férrica recupera su polaridad y las enfermedades desaparecen, además se eliminan los microorganismos que existen en el cuerpo al generar un campo magnético en un medio acuoso donde mueren. La energía fluye en nuestro organismo en forma de agua. El agua que existe en nuestro interior no es agua simple sino cristal líquido formado por moléculas de alta energía que organizan el agua para que pueda conducir la energía electromagnética. Las moléculas están organizadas, transmiten longitudes de onda y además tienen la capacidad de almacenar datos en la memoria. Así se entiende como el cerebro emite impulsos electromagnéticos transportados a través de este maravilloso conductor de energía para completar la instrucción -orden- emitida. Este agua, cristal líquido (H2O)37, ayuda a establecer el equilibrio que se obtiene al aplicar imanes en el cuerpo, causando resonancia en las zonas del resto del organismo y organizando la red ferroso-férrica allá donde se necesite.
El Par Biomagnético del Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán es una realidad, apoyado por los descubrimientos de científicos serios como la Dra. Esther del Rio Serrano que ha establecido microscópicamente el eslabón entre la ciencia y el Biomagnetismo. La Dra. Esther del Rio ha confirmado científicamente la eficacia de esta nueva y maravillosa medicina. Esta terapia expone que las enfermedades del hombre y la mujer son producto de alteraciones que se producen en el pH del organismo. Estas alteraciones permiten que se instalen en el cuerpo los patógenos que generan disfunciones. Al nivelar la acidosis o la alcalinidad de estos puntos específicos se consigue erradicar a los patógenos que generan las disfunciones, se restablece el equilibrio del cuerpo y se recupera la salud.
Information provided by Avelino Lopez
Energy healing is based on the concept that at our core human beings are in constant vibration, each with unique electromagnetic waves. Practitioners of energy healing training methods believe that physical health problems, emotional distress, and even financial difficulties can be traced back to energy imbalances or blockages.
As people go through the stress of life, they may experience energetic disruptions in the body that could lead to physical, emotional, or spiritual problems. Fortunately, modern Western medicine isn’t the only solution to combating these issues. Energy healing tools have been used for centuries to help people recover from illnesses, traumatic experiences, and other afflictions.
What is Energy Healing?
Energy healing is a broad term used to describe a variety of holistic healing techniques that use the natural mind-body connection to promote emotional and physical well-being. By accessing, channeling, balancing, and manipulating the body’s natural energy centers, energy healing techniques may help support health.
People who practice energy healing embrace the fact that everything is made of energy, including our bodies. As energy beings, our bodies are connected to the earth and the rest of the universe in ways we cannot see. The energy of your body connects to the energy of everything around you, and one can influence the other. Without this unseen force, we wouldn’t have life. We need this constant flow of energy to keep our bodies, minds, and spirits alive and whole.
Energy healers would probably tell you that this energy flow is what makes physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual recovery possible. While we see and think of our bodies as flesh and bone, our physical bodies are only a small part of what we’re made of.
While energy healing practices vary in methods and techniques, each is based on the idea that every aspect of the body is intimately connected to others and to the universe. Energy healing is based on connecting the subconscious and conscious, engaging the whole person to promote health and well-being. Unlike the prescription medications and invasive surgeries of conventional medical practices, energy healing methods combine powerful physical, mental, and spiritual aspects to enable the body’s natural healing ability.
The Biomagnetism Therapy (Magnetic Therapeutic System) in Asheville, NC.
The Medical Biomagnetism is a therapeutic system discovered and developed by Dr. Isaac Goiz Durán, a Mexican physiotherapist and surgeon in 1988.
Biomagnetism or Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a new revolutionary, scientific and therapeutic approach to healing that differs from Traditional Medicine, Homeopathy, Herbs and Naturism.
It is also a Therapy free of side effects, perfectly compatible with any other traditional or alternative practice.
Biomagnetism studies, detects, classifies, measures and corrects the fundamental alterations of the pH of living organisms. When the pH is balanced it immediately regulates and corrects the infectious pathologies. This new therapeutic criteria is able to identify the origin of viral and bacterial diseases, as well as glandular dysfunctions caused by pathogenic microorganisms in the organs.
Biomagnetism consists on applying magnets with well-defined power of medium intensity to balance the pH in certain areas of the body.
Biomagnetism is an alternative non-invasive therapy and has been known to help with the following conditions:
Acne * Aids * Allergies * Alzheimers * Anemia * Anxiety * Arrhythmia
Arthritis * Asthma * Attention Deficit Disorder * Autism
Back, Neck, Joints and Muscle Pain
Cancer * Candida * Carpal Tunnel * Chronic Fatigue * Chronic Pain
Depression * Diabetes * Digestive Disorders
Emotional Issues * Extreme Fatigue * Eczema
Fibromyalgia * Flu * Fungus
Glandular Dysfunctions
Heartburn * Herpes * Hepatitis * High Cholesterol * Impotency * Infertility
Low Libido * Lyme’s Disease * Lupus * Low Energy
Meningitis * Menopause and Pre-menopause Symptoms * Migraines
Parasites * Parkinson's * pH Imbalance * PMS * Psoriasis * Pain
Poor Circulation * Pulmonary Disorders
Sciatica * Sexual Disorders * Sinusitis * Skin Disorders * Stress
Rheumatism * Ulcers * Varicose Veins
Tendinitis * Tennis Elbow and many others....
The admirable simplicity of this system allows working with powerful but inoffensive magnets of different forms from which amazing results are obtained. The dysfunctions in the organs that support the distortions of the pH are balanced by a phenomenon called depolarization. This phenomenon is obtained by applying a magnetic field of the same polarity to each of the biomagnetic poles. This confronts the charges of the BMP and cancels, neutralizes the charges. Finally, the healing process occurs when the pH is balanced and reaches its optimal level that determines the well being of the person, which before the therapy was altered by the presence of pathogenic microorganisms that distorted the levels of acidity and alkalinity (pH) of the organs. This is what sustains the bio-energetic phenomenon.
Is Biomagnetism similar to magnet therapy? No. It's totally different from magnetic therapy, the only similarity is the use of magnets.
Biomagnetism is a comprehensive alternative therapy for diagnosing, healing and preventing disease. It is in no way similar to magnet therapy.
Magnet therapy has been applied with one polar principle just for dysfunction or injuries under two concepts:a) South pole as analgesic, b) North pole as anti-inflammatory. The magnetic fields used for this purpose are of low intensity (between 100 to 500 gauss) and are applied for longer periods of time, hours or days, and in areas that show specific symptoms. The purpose of this explanation is to establish the difference between magnet therapy versus bio-magnetism and bio-energetic pairs.
Biomagnetism and bioenergetic pairs are a vibrational phenomenon related to medicine and both can be considered as medicinal therapy and medical science. The therapy consists on more than applying magnets with well-defined power of medium intensity,of 1,000 to 10,000 gauss to heal. Time of application varies from 10 -30 minutes.
This therapy is risk-free and should only be used with precaution in case of patients with pacemakers and pregnant women.
The Biomagnetic Pair can be used in conjunction with any other kind of complementary therapy and traditional allopathic treatments, except in the case of patients who have undergone chemotherapy and radiation.
In fact, biomagnetic therapists advice their patients to continue seeing their conventional doctor on a regular basis. However, it happens frequently that once the therapy has started, doses of medication are reduced gradually and even eliminated in many cases, even in the case of chronic illness.
The number of sessions necessary to achieve full healing will depend on many factors like the kind of illness, how chronic it is and the patient's response. No two sick people react in an identical way. On average, with a sequence of three or four sessions-one per week-one should see a great improvement in the majority of cases.
The Biomagnetic Therapy services are designed to be a health aid and are in no way to take the place of a doctors care when it is indicated.
For more information,
Avelino Lopez
Certificated Practitioner
Black Mountain Wellness Center
1143 Montreat Rd
Black Mountain, NC. 28711
rediscovery healing - (863)605-0825 / (863)605-3125
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